Before going to any interview you need to be prepared. I am not talking about dry cleaning your best suit, setting your alarm clock early or making sure your shoes are nice and shiny. They are important as looking neat and clean will help to form a good first impression. I am however talking about how to best prepare by reviewing some typical interview questions you will be asked.
Here's a list of some of the typical interview questions asked.
#1 - Can you tell me a little about yourself? - Tell them you are a very hard worker and a fast learner. Always try to tie your positives in with the company. Give an example of you work hard and motivate yourself. You could tell them you try to understand all aspects of your job so you can best interact with other employees and team players. If there is an area within a job you do not understand then you like to set aside some time to research and learn that area.
#2 - What are your weaknesses or what is your biggest weakness? - Always try to turn your weakness into a positive or demonstrate how you have tried to overcome your weakness. e.g. You used to be computer illiterate but you took the time to do evening classes after work.
#3 - Why do you like this company, what attracted you to us? - Make sure you have researched the company. Look for them online or in magazines or read some brochures they might have. You can tell them how you love their product or service. How your are very impressed with...You can finish this sentence with what ever you found in your research. This will show enthusiasm and demonstrates interest on your part by actually researching the company. This always goes down well with the interviewer.
#4 - What do you like to do in your spare time? - Be honest here. Say if you like sports, cinema, going to plays or concerts. Make sure you say something that shows you as being active. Just saying you sit at home in front of the tv everyday is boring and while there's nothing wrong with that, an interviewer will see you as more motivated and outgoing if you like to do more.
#5 - What do you think are good qualities in a boss? - A boss should be able to motivate you and help you meet or beat deadlines. They should be fair and always give feedback. If an employee does something incorrect then constructive criticism is better than just giving out. Every boss should be approachable.
#6 - Why should we choose you for this job? - To begin with it can be good to reflect on your resume for a moment. Only do so briefly as they know what is on your resume and are looking for more. Tell them your personal qualities, how motivated you are. Explain how you researched their company before coming to make sure it was a right fit for you. How you feel the company and your skill set and personal qualities will compliment each other.
There are more typical interview questions and answers. Feel free to look around this site or select the resources provided.

Posted by PATTEM VENKATESULU Wednesday, November 18, 2009